Sunday, March 30, 2008


Here are pictures of the twins on Easter.  We had a great time together!  And these babies like peeps!

Here is Reese getting a swimsuit in her basket.

Tate is really liking this card.

Reese not so happy about the hat.

Dana and Tate have found an egg.

Joe and Reese have found an egg.
Just wanted to share our sweet babies.  Reese is pulling up now and Tate is crawling.  Life  for 
Dana and Joe is really changing!


The G's said...

So cute!

Kristen said...

They are so precious. Twins are special! (I can say that because I am one!)

Happy Mommy said...

Oooh, Kristen I had no idea you are a twin. Are you a twin to a boy or a girl?