Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I was talking with a friend this morning about how God had laid it on my heart to help equip wives and mothers to live in their full potential. I know the most important job I will ever do is first be a witness for Christ and second is to be Daddy's wife and Luke, Bo and Dasiy's mommy. I find in talking with other (shms) Stay-at-home-moms, 9 times out of 10 these woman question their worth, question their ability, question if they should even be home or at work... God has given us as mothers the greatest gift after his son and holy spirit it is our children. Psalms 127:3 tells us Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.
I felt the Lord leading me to share with this sister in Christ what God was leading me to do and about the group I wanted to lead... With her voice trembling she said I question my value, I want to goin a group like that. I see the hand of God preparing to use me to grow his kingdom in a way like I have never been used before, I am so excited about sharing myself with young wives and mothers!
I want to recommend anyone who reads this blog to read the Power of a Praying Wife and the Power of a Praying Parent!
I feel like I am being more and more blessed each day as I except the jobs God has for me, washing dishes as if Jesus is coming for dinner (Because he is), Sweeping the floors so my home can a clean environment for me to share at a moments notice, getting up early to make breakfast cleaning up breakfast so I can make lunch and cleaning up lunch just so I can prepare Dinner, Playing games with the kids I don't even understand so that I can build a relationship with them that will be so strong that no matter what faze of life they are in they will remain close with Daddy and I. The world says these jobs have no value, I say these Jobs are the most important jobs a woman can do. Ladies just read Proverbs 31 if you dare....
Don't get me wrong I in no way want to devalue the woman who work outside of the home, this is the choice of these family's, and am sure is never an easy choice of any mother,I do however want to validate the SHMS, who give up their life for or life as they once knew it to be with their children 24/7.
Be blessed today and go play with your kids!!!

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