Friday, August 1, 2008

The Winner is...

The contest is over and it was so much fun, thank you all for coming by my blog and checking it out, come back often.
I asked the kids to pick a number between 1 and 124.  We all chose a random number and I placed all the numbers in a hat and Daisy pulled on out, and the winner is~


Wendy I am going to email you now so that we can get the fabulous 1001 Cookie recipe book to you.  

This was a very fun contest and the most comments I have ever had to date!  I love comments and you can read about it right here.


Dawn @ simply transparent said...

Congrats to Wendy! Bummer for me ;D

littletoesandcheerios said...

Congrats Wendy! Now you'll have to post a few of the recipes for the rest of us losers!