This is Luke, he was around 9 months old. When I see his little rolls it makes me want to squeeze him!

This is Bo he was also around 9 months old. The first picture was taken in our backyard the second picture was in the Smokey Mountains on our family vacation

Daisy is one. These pictures were taken in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. She loved the water!

Go to We Are THAT Family for more fun!
My mother in law was here last night and told Madi, Daisy is her girl! She had a great visit with all of you.
Such cute photos. Great memories.
I love Daisy's bathing suit!
Aw! Your children were precious at that age! I'm sure they still are too! That North Carolina beach is gorgeous. I love the look of the water.
My Sincerely 'Fro Me to You is up too.
What precious babes... sweet memories... thanks for sharing!
See, this is how I had my third, I kept looking at the baby pictures of my first two! Keep the faith. You're just meant to have more!
What cute pics! I especially like that first one...gotta love baby fat rolls!
I am hoping we can go to the Smokey Mountains one day, I love the idea of sitting in a hot tub overlooking the mountains!
CUTE pictures! Love them baby smiles, rolls, and all around sweetness! If you ever plan another Smoky Mtn. trip we have to get together!!
Those are so adorable! There's nothing cuter than a baby in a swimsuit. :)
Sweet babies .. they've grown up so fast! Bo was the cutest little ball of fat ever! Miss these little guys...
Some very fun babies!
All adorable of course!
Fun! Fun! What beautiful kids! And good luck w/ making a few more! :)
Confessions of an Apron Queen
What cute babies!!!
Gorgeous photographs! Looks like sweet memories for you.
how can you not wanna smooch those adorable cheeks! on both your babies. cute pix!
I LOVE those little chunky baby times! Gorgeous babes . . .
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