Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Just so ya'll know and understand....
Comments are like CRACK for the blogger!
We write with the thought that someone, somewhere, will read and like what we say!
We bloggers are opinionated people with an opinion to share.
With that said I will let you in on a secret, I am an only child and I like to talk. (and be heard)
I like to be the center of attention and I REALLY like knowing people are reading me!


Anonymous said...

Hi Happy Mommy, love your blog. And comment we will :) Blessings from another Southern Mama. :)

Anonymous said...

Girl... you have gone the glue the carpet people are using getting to you? okay... comment number one :) Heather

Tally Wilgis said...

If comments are crack, consider me a dealer.

You're on my bloglines!

Have a great finish to your week!

Anonymous said...

Hey There! I can see you feigning from here! I will contribute to your delinquent behavior. I love you and your 'addiction'! Let's share our CRACK!

littletoesandcheerios said...

Are you all shakey and sweating from blog comment withdraw syndrome?
I hope I can help, because I don't think the FDA makes a pill for that one...YET!!!
Sending some smoke your way...hehe.
See ya tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

marky said...

I hear ya.. and man we need that fix don't we?
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Stef Layton said...

filling your crack habit for the day.
Came to you thru Little Toes & Cheerios.
Stef @ Joyful Heart

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog, but love to read yours. I love your funny stories, and your kind heart. Your family is beautiful and I hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving.

Growin' With It said...

addicting as ever RIGHT?! guess i am a druggy right along with ya!

Anonymous said...

New to your blog. I stumbled across it when I was on google. My blog's name is and I googled that to see what I came up with and I saw your website. I am 31 and a mother of 3 as well. Just wanted to say hi and I think your blog is great! Hope you enjoyes your Thanksgiving.

One More Equals Four said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I agree...comments are great and when I don't get them, which is frequently, I actually begin getting depressed! Enjoy your break...can't wait till you get back!

Anonymous said...

Delurking to say hi!

Stacy said...

Did your pics of Thanksgiving turn out well? I am still without a digital camera. (It broke at your house in July. I took a picture and then walked around the table, and it was malfunctioning......)

Mozie said...

Hi There, I came across your blog...Its very nice..I think it would be a great addition to my site,come check it out and let me know if you want to be a part of it. I'll feature your blog for a link back to me (link Exchange)..IT WOULD CERTAINLY HELP EXPOSE YOUR SITE ALSO because im doing some major SEO on my site and adding in link partners everyday...It is also a cool place to make new friends and find the coolest blogs on the block... - check it out

all you have to do is email me your URL+Discription+category and then ill publish your blog (feel free to suggest a category if you want to)

Please let me know if you want to be a world4blogs partner...I'll also help you spread the word of your blog, could even get you some outside advertisers if you want to make money from your blog but thats entirely up to you...

Have a good day

world4blogs webmaster - Yasser Moosa

j said...

Funny! And true. We need that comment fix. I had a day when my blog was messed up and wouldn't take comments. I thought "What did I say? Have I offended?!!"

Very honest post.