Sunday, June 22, 2008

Nothing is worse than Pink Eye!

We have been riddled with nasty eye's, really nasty!  And I would be glad to tell you that nothing in this world is worse than pink eye, and just when I was convinced of this, Daisy started throwing up and having mass quantities of diarrhea...  So nothing is worse than a bought of diarrhea and vomiting while you have pink eye!

I have the nasty eye's much worse than the kids, my vision is blurry and my eyes itch.  This is just disgusting.  And must go away before I poke my own eye's out!
And I really need to go to Walmart, despite the fact that I look like I have been smoking something illegal, I just can't go in public like this.  Even though we probably got this from the carts at Walmart anyway!
This will pass and I will be able to see again, I just needed to rant about it for a few minutes, because we are missing a pool party and cook out at Ruby Wife's, and I think it really stinks!


Kristen said...

Poor. You. I totally agree! I wear contacts and pink eye is soooo bad!

I hope you and Daisy feel better soon. It's a bummer being sick in the summer. Or any time. Actually.

bunchofbull-ers! said...

Okay, I am sorry if this is posted twice. But when I clicked on submit it did something weird. The comment moderator message didn't come up & so I am not sure what happened.
MAJOR eye & party missin'!!
Have you tried Colloidal Silver? It is natural & works very fast. It usually has it cleared up within a day.

Praying for a speedy recovery!

Mozi Esme said...

Ouch! Sorry you're missing the party and hope you ALL feel better soon. And that you don't meet anyone you know at WalMart.

Happy Mommy said...

Bunch of Bullers~ What is Colloidal Silver and where do I get it? I have been taking a prescription medicine since Wed, the kids are all better and I am worse! I stopped the medicine today and I feel a little better, I think I may have been having a bad reaction to the medicine. But really I will try anything! I am miserable and I can't even wear makeup!

kassy's life said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bunchofbull-ers! said...

You can get the Silver at any natural/health food store. And I am sure that I even bought some at GNC before. Just be sure to get 10 PPM (I think that means parts per million) That really doesn't matter though. Just look for PPM on the front. And then put a few drops in your eyes a few times a day. IT WORKS. I even use it on strep throat too! Loooove the stuff.

bunchofbull-ers! said...

sorry about that. i didn't realize that my daughter was logged into her blog. i deleted that comment only for safety reasons. thanks ;O)

The Maid said...

Amen on the Colloidal great for kids ear infections, strep throat, and miscellaneous infections. People have turned blue from drinking colloidal silver, but because the doofus was DRINKING thirstbuster size drinks daily, instead of using ounces or drops medicinally.

There are different types of colloidal silver so make sure you buy the kind that basically looks like water...and it usually comes in amber glass or dark have to protect it from sunlight. (Like a lot of medicines!)

The Maid

bunchofbull-ers! said...

Was curious if you found the Silver and if so did you have good results?!

DD said...

Oh I've had some terrible Pink Eye attack our family in the past too. NOT fun!