Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Be sure to click on the link for Rick Rack Attack on my sidebar.  Confessions of an Apron Queen has a great site!  I have 3 of my Great Grandma's aprons and dearly love them.  I really enjoy her blog as well as her store.


The G's said...

I have a drawer full of my grandma's aprons. I even have a few that are matching Mommy/daugher aprons. The fabric is amazing. They don't make it like that anymore.

bunchofbull-ers! said...

im on it! thanks ;o)

The Apron Queen said...

Rcvd your e-mail. Your in the right spot- jmlsdi3 at yahoo dot com

Your button is correctly placed & linked! Thank you! Send me an e-mail at jmlsdi3 at yahoo dot com with your BLOG NAME and mailing address to receive your vintage apron!