Monday, September 8, 2008

Mom and Me MEME

I have been tagged to do a mom and me meme so here goes...

First post a picture of you with your children

1. How many children do you have?
I have 3 beautiful children for now.
2. What are their ages?
Luke is 7, Bo is 5 and Daisy is 3.
3. What time do you start your day?
HD and I get up around 6, we have our first cup of coffee together and start our Bible study, between 6:30 and 7:00 the kids wake up and we all eat.
4. What do you eat for breakfast?
We eat alot of different things, sometimes we eat eggs and toast, baked oatmeal, eggs in a basket, fresh fruit, yogurt, muffins, breakfast casseroles, pancakes, cinnamon rolls, eggs on English muffins with sausage, on occasion we even have cold cereal.
5. Do they watch TV?
Yes, my children do watch some TV, but not during school time, so we don't watch any TV until late afternoon, I let them watch cartoons on Disney and Nick, no real people shows like Hannah Montana on Zack and Cody, I think they have plenty of time for shows like that when they are older. I do make the kids watch one learning DVD each day like Magic School bus or Letter Factory.
6. What are their favorite activities?
Luke~ Loves Playmobile, Lego's. Bo~ Loves Lego's and Playmobile. Daisy~ Love to cut and paste, and play playdou oh and all things dress up.
7. Do you get a break during the day for some you time?
That is a very funny question! I spend the morning teaching school, after Daisy goes down for a nap I prepare our dinner, i.e. cut veggies or peel or chop. While the boys watch a DVD, I sometimes catch a shower and on the rare occasion I might read a magazine or blog.
8. How do you end your day?
We get home from football and hop in the shower, then we eat a snack and then brush teeth, say prayers and go to bed for the kids. HD and I will catch up on the day, we might look at the net together or watch TV.
9. What is your best parenting advice or tip?
The best thing I can think of is to remind you that your the greatest witness your small children have, and God will provide you with many opportunity's daily to share his love with your children if you let him, Don't get to lost in the daily activity's to show Gods love with the children He has blessed you with.

Now tag 5


Ruby Wife said...

Hey girl! I did it!! I blogged for the first time in months!!

Thanks for the tag!

littletoesandcheerios said...

Yay! Thanks for doing my meme. I love that pic of you guys all dressed up. # 7 is so true.

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

I did this one last week! Thanks for tagging..and finally I get to come back for a visit that was weird!

Twice Blessed said...

Thanks for tagging Gio Diaries....who's left for me to tag??