I will never forget signing Luke up for those lessons he was about 9 months old. We had gotten through our first winter, stayed home a whole lot and I was starting to become really lonely. I had worked until I was 11 months pregnant and with HD traveling 5 days a week with his job, until Spring of that year I had been in baby bliss. But then it started warming up and I had to do something with this now crawling bundle of chub.
I remember calling one of my best friends to see what she was doing, she to was a stay home mom, but she was to busy to talk, am seemed irritated with the phone call, I remember feeling so alone yet God had given me my hearts desire, a health baby boy, who yet could speak my language.
I decided right then and there, this little guy and I are gonna have fun, we have each other and God planed it that way. I remember praying for God to fill the void of my husband traveling to take away the loneliness and show me how to have fun and enjoy my growing baby.
I went to the Y and we signed up for lessons. Luke loved the water! He was such a happy baby, he changed my life so much, I always wanted to be a mommy, even as a child. I learned that summer who I was, who I wanted to be, and who I was created to be. I learned to talk to my son when I was lonely, we started letting him hear his Daddy's voice on the phone which made the time away from each other even more bearable.
I am so thankful now looking back on the precious time I had with him alone, now the oldest of 3 he and I rarely ever get to be alone.

For a longer walk down memory lane go over to We Are That Family and check out the fun.
I love the delighted look he has on his face--and yours, too!
What an awesome picture! You guys look so happy. He looks like he loves the water too. I had similar feelings when I first started staying at home. It was a great time, but a huge adjustment!
You both do look truly happy in that picture. Great moment captured on film.
That's such a cute picture! I think I'll check into getting Madi lessons. If our small town has such a thing. Think they will let me wear jeans in the pool?
Wonderful shot!
So sweet dem'babes!
You two look like it was the best day ever....you know , you and my "grandson"! HA! People, I had this photo in my office and a rep from a hotel came in and told me what a lovely grandson I had! I was floored and speachless and my coworkers couldn't wait for the rep to leave because they had to laugh out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!
The picture says it all. You look incredibly happy! :D
Come see my underpants! http://anapronaday.blogspot.com
You both look so happy! I love the smile on his face.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Y'all look so happy! Great memory, thanks for sharing.
I don't think that words could ever express the joy that you were BOTH feeling at that very moment. Too cute :)
You guys look great! I can totally relate to not having time alone with the oldest of 3. I too have 3 small kiddos. I wish I had taken my son for swim lessons when he was that age. He is 4 now and afraid of the water.
What treasured memories! I'm glad you found something special you could do just the two of you. :)
Oh my goodness look at how cute he was!!!
What a precious photo of you and your son together. Sweet memories.
Awww...he looks like he is having a great time! You look like a happy mommy as well :)
I love that picture! He certainly was a bundle of chub. What a cutie!
Great picture! Love it!
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