Monday, September 17, 2007

Womans Bible Study

We had our first real meeting today. We are reading the book - A Mom after Gods own Heart-
I am very hopeful about this group we all really seem to click and I am looking forward to growing with this group of woman. I am excited about what God can do if you let him and I am excited to see what he has in store for us Mommy's. Another book I am checking out is - Created to be his Help Meet.
I am getting settled in to the routine of school and Bible study and pre-schooling and everyday stuff... It was hard getting back to a schedule.
I am really getting alot out of the Purpose Driven Life book our small couples group on wed nights is reading, yesterdays was most moving about what would you change if you knew it was your last days? Wow what a question, 1. I would never let another day go by with out telling my children about how much Jesus loves them 2. I would never yell again it doesn't work anyway. 3. I would praise God before I made any requests.
Now as I re-read this book I must remember this is just practice for my eternity and I need to follow these few thoughts God has brought to my attention.

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