Tuesday, September 11, 2007


If you have been reading my blog you know after a mistake almost 2 years ago Daddy had a vasectomy. Well just recently Daddy came to me and said he would have the reversal surgery. Now is the hard part, where do we get $6,127.00. Expensive mistake!
I have prayed for Daddy to want more children, I have prayed for God to heal Daddy, I have prayed for myself to get pregnant, but I have not prayed for money. I guess I almost feel like it's not right to ask God for money for this surgery. See, we do not like loans so Daddy is against a medical loan, and I am too. I can't see a monthly payment taking money away from the three kids we have to pay for a child we don't have being the right choice.
I have been having a hard time with the fact that there are pregnant woman everywhere and new babies everywhere... At church on Sunday we where talking about where could we get the money, I could always do some typing or call center work from home but that is really against what we believe God has set forth for our lives. Me being a stay home mom is one of the most important things in my life, and any work out side of being a bible study leader or being the kids teacher would take away from my time with them and again I can't take away the little time I have for my kids to provide for a child we do not have yet.
So I am very conflicted, I want to be pregnant now I want to move forward I hate waiting and yet I do have a peace that I will be pregnant again. I am continuing to pray for healing I am going to pray for our finances that God will provide a means for this surgery if he does not heal Daddy.

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Nathan said...
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