Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm alive!

Blog friends I really do miss you all, are you all there anymore or have you left my lack of blogging all together?  I have found times in the last year where I never had trouble blogging I had endless ideas and other times where you all were my dearest friends.  I have to tell you that lately I can't come up with one thing to write about.  Not at all because I'm not busy but because I am so busy.  More than anything I am so fulfilled in our new church, I knew back in November that something was missing a void of sorts.  Now I realize I was very lonely, I longed for more friendships with women in our church and this blog filled that void, but lets face it most of you don't even know my real name.  I was so lonely.
This last 2 months have been the best months I have had in years.  My children are making friends and can't wait until we go to church and my husband is making friendships and going to men's bible study and he is also so happy.
I do feel bad for the lack of blogging because you all have encouraged me in bad times and laughed with me during happy times, you all have been a source of comfort when I didn't even know why I was so sad.  Thank you.  Although I can't promise to blog daily I am sure I don't want this part of my life to end.  I have found in the last year that I love writing, I love reading your blogs.
So let me tell you some exciting things going on in our life.  We are having a Chili cook off and pie bake off contest this Saturday at our church, we are also having a snow day, our church has rented a snow making machine and we are going to have a snow day.  I am entering 2 pies into the contest, I will post the recipe this week and HD is making his famous Texas chili.  My mom is going to enter a white chicken chili also.
We are still not pregnant and sadly it has been a year since HD had a vasectomy reversal, I will say I am becoming less hopeful as time passes.  I also find that I have more peace as time passes also, see I know God wants me to be a mother again and I feel like God is leading my heart into different directions, I keep feeling like maybe we are to adopt maybe a 2 year old girl.  I can't believe I am sharing this with you all but I really need your prayers for so long I have wanted to be pregnant and to nurse a baby and hold my own child but when it all comes down to it, none of that really matters I feel like if I can't have one maybe someone already has, and God wants us to open our hearts and home to a child that really needs us.  Please pray for HD and I as we pray about this journey and ask God to lead us completely into his will for  our family.
I hope you all have a great Tuesday!   We are having freezing rain today so hopefully we don't lose our power!


One More Equals Four said...

Wow, what a blessing adoption can be! I will continue to be in prayer for you that God will lead you in the right direction! I miss reading your blog, but am so happy you are finding fulfillment and friendship in your new church! Have a great weekend!

Growin' With It said...

what a sweet post. oh you know we'll be here and i really get the "in real life" friendships. important. soooo great to hear how happy you are in your new church family. there IS a huge void when that is not a part of our lives.

pregnancy/adoption...either way HM, i know....from what i know of you....that you will be a very loving mother to whoever God brings you. we've talked about the adoption idea too but now is not the time for us. i'm okay with it, but relish in the idea of making a home for a child who needs loved.

bless you on this and i hope to hear more as the journey unfolds!

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

Well it sounds like your right where you need to be!

Hope your prayers are answered soon..I know there is nothing more pleasing then when HIS children are taken care of..may HE bless this desire!

marky said...

I am so glad to hear that you have found a church and are being served as you serve!! I long for that in my church..I just don't think it is in the one I am atttending. Yes you need those real life face to face friends!! Just don't totally give up on us in bloggy land.. I would miss you terribly

Melissa said...

I will be praying for you. I hope things go well at the cookoff:) Have a wonderful day.

littletoesandcheerios said...

Glad to have you back! I've really missed ya!
So happy that you all are lovin' your new church.

JMRCH said...

Yeah!! I'm so happy to see you blogging again! I have truly missed you. I'm glad things are going better for you with a new church home. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
God Bless, Meg