Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This makes me laugh

I was checking over my emails this morning and a friend who knew I need a good laugh sent me this

You think this will come in handy with packing and moving and all the stuff that goes along with all that?  I think I will order everyone in my family one for Christmas.


One More Equals Four said...

That is hysterical! I love it!!!

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

o'yeah we could make that work..guys? nope.

littletoesandcheerios said...

That's where my screwdriver went! That is usually what I use.

Twice Blessed said...

If you look at your site meter, you have a visit from Tokyo Japan..that's Twice Blessed Daddy catching up with you! Funny huh?

marky said...

Hey I have a set that looks like that too! I've used mine for years LOL