Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hunting with HD

I have been at a loss for words lately, I like to think if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all!  So with my Grandpa's sudden death and HD's company trying to make us move to a state were people often say you can marry your brother, I haven't had much to say.  So to my readers I am sorry.  I am still here, I am trying to deal with this all and am still a teacher so my days are even longer than usual.  
The weekend before last I informed HD I was going hunting with him, he smiled and said you are!  I had my mom watch the kids and off we went.  The woods is to be a very quite place, that's the hardest part for me, not talking at all.  I went last year too, and in order to remain silent I read.  It is actually very peaceful.  It is bow season as in bow and arrow.  We climb up in a big old tree and we sat in a two man tree stand.  How long have you ever sat with your husband or wife with out talking just enjoying nature, it is very peaceful, from time to time he would touch my leg and smile.  HD's favorite thing in the world besides me and the kids is hunting and I went because I want whats important to him to be important to me.  I don't want to kill anything I just want to watch the action.
I was about 200 pages in to the Memory Keepers Daughter, (it was pretty good) when we heard a doe, she came from behind us and she came into full view HD drew his bow back and waited for the perfect moment.  Unfortunately, he hit a limb of a tree hanging in the path, the deer ran away and we again waited.  HD is an excellent marks man and he was so mad that he hit the branch, it was hanging from a tree a few yards away, he would never take a shot if he thought he might miss and possibly wound an animal.
About 45 minutes later as I continued to read quietly, out of no where it seemed a bobcat came running strait at the tree we were in, I have never seen a bobcat in the woods, they are big!  It was looking all around and it looked right up at us, but with full camo and face masks on it never even noticed us there.  I am pretty sure I was shaking and trying to remember to breath, it was so exciting!  Again HD drew his bow back and this time made the hit perfectly.  It ran only a few hundred feet before it fell.  We got down about 20 minutes later and started to look for it.  I was the lucky one to find the bobcat.

* I know not everyone thinks hunting is a good sport, but we do!  HD provides our family with a lot of food that way.  You might even ask why a bobcat, bobcats cause a lot of damage, killing cats, small dogs and chicken.  This is the first time HD has ever killed one and he has said it would be the last, we will not be eating it so there is no need to kill one again.  We are having it mounted it is beautiful.  So if you disagree with hunting that's fine, to each there own, but please keep your negative comments to yourself on this issue.*

Now for some pictures and if you don't want to see the bobcat click away now....


Melissa said...

Wow!! That is so exciting! The bobcat looks beautiful! That sounds like a wonderful time with your husband.

marky said...

Well you are just as cute as a button in your camo! congrats on the bobcat. My 12yo just got her first deer last week. I have yet to post pics.

Twice Blessed said...

All I can say is ~ (name of Friday's post) You look so darn cute in your camo outfit. That's all I'm going to say!!!

DD said...

you look so cute in your camo!!

Tricia said...

Wow! You're a Hunter-Girl! I am totally impressed!

My Men go hunting and occasionally the girls and I sometimes tag along, but we stay at the camp site blissfully unaware of the whole camo, guns, messy, part.

And those Bob cats are big! We occasionally see one running through our backyard at night. Our house backs up to several acres of woods and with the increased building around here, the Bob cats are loosing their habitat so they are taking over mine! :o)

Growin' With It said...

way to go nature girl! okay, i'm not against hunting AT ALL but i'm not sure i'd go with my hubby. hunting on his parents ranch is pretty lazy though. they practically drive an atv around the land, shoot, and bring it home. you are one brave woman. and i bet your hubby thinks you look HOT in camo! i think you look pretty darn cute.

Kristen said...

Maybe I should wear camo. Because you look adorable.

My hubby loves hunting too. So, I've never been a big activist against it.

One time I went with him and I sat there very quietly. When I was done with my hot chocolate, I dumped it out. My hubby said, "Well. let's go home."

I had no idea an animal wouldn't come near us with our strong chocolate scent!

Happy Mommy said...

THAT Family~ that is so funny! I have been washing hunting clothes in scent free soap for year so I do know that you can't dump hot chocolate or even go pee pee near the tree....

littletoesandcheerios said...

Great way to spend time together.
I'll just say "Girl you were really rockin' that camo outfit!" You should get one in a lingerie to wear for HD!!!

One More Equals Four said...

Girl, you are a better woman than me! My hubby is a big hunter, too, but I have NO desire to join him! I was just excited when the big boys got big enough that I could send them all off and Dancer and I could have girls' days! Unfortunately, the boys are not loving it so far--they enjoy turkey hunting, but get too bored and cold in the deeer stand. I am determined to convince them that they really do love it!

Takin' time to smell the flowers! said...

You are just too darn cute in the hunting get up! I love going hunting too, for the beauty and silence. I don't do the killing either, but I love the meat!!:)

Anonymous said...

I'd do it too if it involved buying a new outfit. Camo...sure, why not! Still a new outfit!