Sunday, May 11, 2008

Today is Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of you today!  I want you all to read the sweetest post my Aunt Twice Blessed Mommy posted this morning.  My Great Grandma has been with Jesus for about 10 years now and my Grandma still misses her mama greatly, she always will until she can be with her again!  My Aunt has posted a tribute to her for her mom (my Grandma) Thank you TBM that is the sweetest gift!  
I am going to go eat some French Toast Casserole that Happy Daddy made for me!  


Kristen said...

Happy Mother's Day-I'm off to go read that post!

bunchofbull-ers! said...

Happy Mother's Day! I hope that you had a great day! I sure did! I am going to read that post too!

Anonymous said...

I'll be off to read the post soon, too.

Wishing you a lovely Mother's Day and many happy days as a wonderful mommy!
